Tips for Choosing the Best Cellulite Treatment
By the age of 30, about 90% of women suffer or will have developed some type of cellulite which makes it an increasingly popular condition today. Cellulite occurs due to a range of causes from genetics to age, lifestyle, stress, smoking, poor lymphatic drainage and hormonal changes. Based on the statistics, you’ve probably suffered from cellulite or you know someone who has gone through the same. The biggest question is, what are some of the factors that influence the choice of anticellulite treatment? The market offers countless aesthetic devices and picking the most suitable one to address your aesthetics needs is demanding and overwhelming. We will explore some of the useful tips you should remember when looking for a treatment technique for cellulite.
Understand Your Cellulite Type
Cellulite results from expanded fat cells, weaker dermal layers and inflexible connective tissues bands. Fat cells located in the subcutaneous layer are arranged in chambers and surrounded by collagen which are connective tissue bands . As the body retains water, the fat cells become enlarged which causes the fat chambers to expand against the non-flexible connective tissue. Women are at a higher risk of suffering cellulite compared to men and you’re probably wondering why. Firstly, women have a greater level of body fat, less collagen in the skin and more biological responses to hormones. Secondly, women have a unique subcutaneous structurally layer with a U-shaped area compared to the masculine one which is criss cross shaped.
As you age and gain more weight, your fat cells begin expanding and filling up the U-shaped areas which exerts pressure on the connective tissues. The collagen, which is initially flexible starts changing and holding in fat cells without breaking or moving them into the other areas which causes them to harden. In the process, the fat cells start rising to the surface dermal layers.
In the end, the dermal layer starts expanding and eventually molds itself to the fat cells as the tight and hardened connective tissue pulls down onto the dermal layer. The outcome is a dimpled looking appearance. Other causes of cellulite include:
Collagen and its importance
Collagen is a vital structural protein in the human skin and body. It is the principal component of white fibrous connective tissue which accounts for about 25% of the entire proteins in the body. It is found in the skin, tendons, bones, ligaments and cartilage and is relatively inflexible and inelastic. However, it has a high tensile strength with a significant ability to resist stretching forces. The quality and quantity of your skin’s collagen plays is visible in its appearance which makes it a vital aspect in improving your skin tone and appearance. To some people, collagen is the glue that holds the human body together which makes it a vital component not only for enhancing your skin quality but also general health.
After understanding the above, you should narrow down to a suitable solution and pick a great physician for your condition. Technology also plays a crucial role in your decision.
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